I love working as a Parenting Coach and supporting parents on their own unique journeys through parenthood! I truly believe the Universe sent me 3 children, within 3 years, to test my strength as a mother - and I’m here to tell you, there are times that I have “failed” this test (and still do)!! However, these moments continue to give me the opportunity to reflect on the mistakes I make, think about how I could have done better, and then try again …and again…and again! Despite all the theoretical trainings I have, the reality of parenting is HARD! No child is the same, no parent is the same, no relationships between two people are the same. Which is why Parent Coaching is not the same for everyone - it takes into account the unique histories we all have from how we were parented; the unique temperaments of our children; and our own unique nervous system “activators.” As a certified Parent Coach, I listen to parents, reflect with them to dig deeper, and help them become more aware & set specific intentions and goals. The more aware we are, the more intentional we are, and thus the more effective we are in our parenting goals & relationships. With the support of the Jai Institute, I offer a 12 week guided course that is an intensive 1:1 program for parents ready to do deep work in strengthening their “parenting muscles.” When the 12 weeks would pass, I knew I wanted to gift my clients a parenting journal to help them continue to be reflective and intentional in their goals (whether they continued to work with me or not). I created Bee Well, a guided parenting journal, to help with this hope and goal as they continue to do ongoing self-work of building awareness, setting intentions, making time for reflection, & continuing to grow as parents! I hope it’s helpful for all parents on their own unique journeys. Also please check out my Workshops page for upcoming events (a free one is coming up on June 13)!
It Takes a Village (or a Hive)! Bee Well!