Family Contributions
Children feel valued, confident, and proud when they are trusted with meaningful and purposeful tasks. We all like to feel valued, especially when we can contribute to our communities in helpful and salient ways.
Some tips to consider when building your child’s understanding of a Family Contribution…
Never force the child – you can invite them, and offer to support alongside; step in when they need necessary help or a little “how to” nudge.
Offer child-sized “tools” (brooms, mops, cooking utensils) - this will help them be more successful than trying to manage something that is too big for their small hands.
Slow down and take time to show your child HOW to do these tasks. Break them down into simple steps.
Keep your movements slow, and limit yourself from “too much” talking – with your slow movements and less distraction, it will make it easier for your child to follow your guidance.
Scaffold skills – start with one step at a time. Trust in your child’s capabilities and build upon the skill - do not underestimate them!
Honor and appreciate everyone’s Family Contribution (children and parents), no matter how big or small!
Let go of perfection! – you may find that the spill is not completely wiped up, the napkins are not folded just right, or the bed is not as crisply made as you would like - it’s OK! So long as it’s not dangerous, allow them these opportunities to make “low-stake mistakes.” With time, repetition and practice, they will develop this skill (if you “call out” their mistakes, they will be less inclined to want to try again)!
Enjoy yourselves – if it starts to feel stressful, take a little break and come back to it later and try again.
Contributions ages 2 and 3
Pick up toys and books.
Put laundry in the hamper
Help feed pets.
Help wipe up spills or sweep up messes.
Sort laundry (such as match pairs of socks, pile up their underwear, place washcloths together)!
Contributions ages 4-5
(Same as Above)
Help make their bed.
Clear and set the table.
Help with washing, chopping, preparing fruits, veggies, snacks.
Carrying and putting away groceries.
Watering plants
Contributions ages 6-8
(Same as above)
Take care of pets (walk the dog; clean the cat’s litter box)
Vacuum and mop.
Take out the trash.
Fold and put away laundry.
Make lunches for school
Pour their own cereal/milk for breakfast
Help write family shopping list
Wishing You Well!